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Results 1,5011,510 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.007 seconds)
sysutils/savelogs-1.98 (Score: 0.001175819)
Save log files in a nice way
savelogs is a flexible and robust log file archival system. Its logic is simple: move (rename) the log file, filter data from the log file, store the log file in an archive (via tar or gtar), and compress the archive (via gzip or compress). After successful compression, the original log file is deleted. All of the above phases are optional. This means that you may simply delete files if you wish. Or you may simply compress existing log files. Or you may move files and add them to a tar file but leave the tar file uncompressed, etc. You pick ;o) savelogs has many options yet retains a high degree of dwimitude.
www/linkcheck-1.4 (Score: 0.001175819)
Checks a web site for bad links
LinkCheck is a free software package that checks a web site for bad links. Features Understands HTML 3.0 Understands Frames Understands JavaScript Fast and lean, written in C. Source code is free Can check a whole web site Can be restricted to subdirectory checks Estimates download times for each page and flags slow pages Validates and reports temporarily moved pages and checks the new location Reports server types Reports html files last modification time Validates mailto hrefs for valid DNS MX record on the internet Validates ftp/file hrefs by getting actual file via ftp protocol Reports news:, telnet:, wais:, gopher, powwow: urls Automatically walks the entire web site tree
net/daemonlogger-1.2.1 (Score: 0.001174636)
Packet sniffer capable of running as a daemon and as a software tap
A packet sniffer designed to run as a daemon with automatic log rotation. It will also act as a software tap injecting packets onto a second interface if configured as such.
devel/bison-2.7.1 (Score: 0.0011742018)
Parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with Yacc
Bison is a tool used to write parsers, such as the parser for GNU cc. It is similar to Yacc, which is included in the base FreeBSD system. The main difference between Bison and Yacc that I know of is that Bison supports the @N construction, which gives you access to the starting and ending line number and character number associated with any of the symbols in the current rule. Also, Bison supports the command `%expect N' which says not to mention the conflicts if there are N shift/reduce conflicts and no reduce/reduce conflicts. The differences in the algorithms stem mainly from the horrible kludges that Johnson had to perpetrate to make Yacc fit in a PDP-11. Also, Bison uses a faster but less space-efficient encoding for the parse tables (see Corbett's PhD thesis from Berkeley, "Static Semantics in Compiler Error Recovery", June 1985, Report No. UCB/CSD 85/251), and more modern technique for generating the lookahead sets. (See "Efficient Construction of LALR(1) Lookahead Sets" by F. DeRemer and A. Pennello, in ACM TOPLS Vol 4 No 4, October 1982. Their technique is the standard one now.)
games/sdl_jewels-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0011742018)
Tile-matching 8x8 puzzle game
The game is very simple. There is an 8x8 array of jewels of 7 types. You need to get 3 or more in a row horizontally or vertically in order to score points. You can swap any two jewels that are next to each other up and down or left and right. The mechanic is to click the mouse on the first one, then drag in the direction to switch with. Then let up on the mouse button, but this last isn't so critical. Jewels can only be swapped if after the swap there is at least one 3 or more in a row set created. Otherwise the jewels return to their original position. There is a clock shown on the left. When it counts down to 0 the game is over. You will probably be able to enter your name into the high score table. Hit enter when done. Hit F1 or spacebar to start a new game, or ESC to exit. This game makes use of OpenGL. Without an OpenGL implementation it won't work. If you only have software rendering you can still play but the frame rate will be lower. The GLX module must be present as well.
graphics/darktable-2.0.5 (Score: 0.0011742018)
Virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
Darktable is a virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers: an open source photography workflow application and raw image developer. It manages digital negatives in a database and lets one view them through a zoomable lighttable. It also enables one to develop raw images and enhance them. Darktable tries to fill the gap between many excellent existing free raw converters and image management tools (such as UFRaw or F-Spot). The user interface is built around efficient caching of image metadata and mipmaps, all stored in a database. The user will always be able to interact, even if the full resolution image is not yet loaded. All editing is fully non-destructive and only operates on cached image buffers for display. The full image is only converted during export. The frontend is written in Gtk+/Cairo, the database uses SQLite3, raw image loading is done using libraw and rawspeed, high-dynamic range and standard image formats such as JPEG are also supported. The core operates completely on floating point values, so darktable can not only be used for photography but also for scientifically acquired images or output of renderers (high dynamic range).
archivers/deb2targz-20100710 (Score: 0.0011733343)
Command-line utility for converting a Debian .deb file to a .tar.gz
deb2targz is a very small shell script for converting Debian Linux .deb packages to a .tar.gz.
security/pvk-20070406 (Score: 0.0011733343)
Tool to convert a RSA key in PEM format into a PVK file and vice versa
Conversion tool that will convert a standard RSA key in OpenSSL PEM format into a PVK file and vice versa.
textproc/Search-QueryParser-0.94 (Score: 0.0011733343)
Parse a query into a structure suitable for external search engines
This module parses a query string into a data structure to be handled by external search engines.
audio/ario-1.5.1 (Score: 0.0011732787)
Ario is a GTK2 client for MPD
Ario is a GTK2 client for MPD (Music player daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster.