Ports 搜索

devel/Role-Identifiable-0.007 (Score: 0.0011982508)
Thing with a list of tags
Role::Identifiable::HasIdent is an incredibly simple role. It adds a required ident attribute that stores a simple string, meant to identify exceptions. Role::Identifiable::HasTags adds the ability for your class and its composed parts (roles, superclasses) as well as instances of it to contribute to a pool of tags describing each instance.
devel/Tie-Array-Pack-0.02 (Score: 0.0011982508)
Array implemented as a packed string
One of the drawbacks for using Perl's native array is that it is a memory-hog. Normally it takes 20 bytes a scalar (16 bytes for scalar + overhead). This can be a problem when you need to handle millions of numbers in-memory. This module saves memory in exchange for speed.
devel/pytemplate-1.5.1 (Score: 0.0011982508)
Pytemplate gives python developers a starting framework
Pytemplate is a small project intending to give python developpers a starting framework. It permits to create properly scripts without struggling with configuration files, logging properties development. They are already available through a main class that the new script will inherit.
misc/mc-4.8.17 (Score: 0.0011982508)
Midnight Commander, a free Norton Commander Clone
GNU Midnight Commander is a user-friendly yet powerful file manager and visual shell, useful to novice and guru alike. It provides a clear, user-friendly, and somewhat protected interface to a Unix system while making many frequent file operations more efficient and preserving the full power of the command prompt. You will wonder how you could ever live without it.
net/Net-DHCP-Watch-2.03 (Score: 0.0011982508)
Class for monitoring a remote DHCPD server
Net::DHCP::Watch is a module to help monitor remote DHCP servers. It opens an UDP socket to send and receive responses to and from a DHCP server. It stores the last connection status information. This module can help to write some simple code to implement a reliable DHCP service over complex or simple networks.
sysutils/fortunelock-0.1.2 (Score: 0.0011982508)
Locks a terminal while showing fortunes
Fortunelock is a "keep it simple, stupid" program to lock a terminal while showing fortunes. It was designed to be as small and simple as possible and therefore does not support PAM, NIS, shadow passwords or even regular passwords: the user must enter a lock password to lock the terminal.
textproc/Text-Decorator-1.65 (Score: 0.0011982508)
Apply a chain of filters to text
Text::Decorator is a framework for marking up plain text into various formats by applying a chain of filters. For instance, you might apply a filter which will cause URIs in text to be presented as links if the text is exported as HTML.
textproc/dictfmt-1.12.1 (Score: 0.0011982508)
Formats a DICT protocol dictionary database
The Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT) is a TCP transaction based query/response protocol that allows a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. RFC 2229 describes the DICT client/server protocol. dictfmt converts databases in various formats into working databases and indices for the DICT server.
textproc/rl-0.2.7 (Score: 0.0011982508)
Randomizes lines from a specified input file
rl is a command-line tool that reads lines from an input file or stdin, randomizes the lines and outputs a specified number of lines. It does this with only a single pass over the input while trying to use as little memory as possible.
www/Net-Trac-0.16 (Score: 0.0011982508)
Interact with a remote Trac instance
Net::Trac is simple client library for a remote Trac instance. Because Trac doesn't provide a web services API, this module currently "fakes" an RPC interface around Trac's webforms and the feeds it exports. Because of this, it's somewhat more brittle than a true RPC client would be.