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Results 181190 of 417 for /lang/.(0.036 seconds)
lang/maude-2.6 (Score: 0.13971135)
High-performance reflective language
Maude is a high-performance reflective language and system supporting both equational and rewriting logic specification and programming for a wide range of applications. Maude has been influenced in important ways by the OBJ3 language, which can be regarded as an equational logic sublanguage. Besides supporting equational specification and programming, Maude also supports rewriting logic computation. Rewriting logic is a logic of concurrent change that can naturally deal with state and with concurrent computations. It has good properties as a general semantic framework for giving executable semantics to a wide range of languages and models of concurrency. In particular, it supports very well concurrent object-oriented computation. The same reasons making rewriting logic a good semantic framework make it also a good logical framework, that is, a metalogic in which many other logics can be naturally represented and executed. Maude supports in a systematic and efficient way logical reflection. This makes Maude remarkably extensible and powerful, supports an extensible algebra of module composition operations, and allows many advanced metaprogramming and metalanguage applications. Indeed, some of the most interesting applications of Maude are metalanguage applications, in which Maude is used to create executable environments for different logics, theorem provers, languages, and models of computation.
lang/mdk-1.2.6 (Score: 0.13971135)
Set of utilities for developing programs using MIX and MIXAL
MIX is Donald Knuth's mythical computer as described in his monumental work The Art Of Computer Programming. As any of its real counterparts, the MIX features registers, memory cells, an overflow toggle, comparison flags, input-output devices, and a set of binary instructions executable by its virtual CPU. You can programme the MIX using an assembly language called MIXAL, the MIX Assembly Language. The MIX Development Kit offers an emulation of MIX and MIXAL. The current version of MDK includes the following applications: - mixasm A MIXAL compiler, which translates your source files into binary ones, executable by the MIX virtual machine. - mixvm A MIX virtual machine which is able to run and debug compiled MIXAL programs, using a command line interface with readline's line editting capabilities. - gmixvm A MIX virtual machine with a GTK+ GUI which allows you running and debugging your MIXAL programs through a nice graphical interface. - mixvm.el An elisp program which allows you to run mixvm within an Emacs GUD window, simultaneously viewing your MIXAL source file in another buffer.
lang/micropython-1.5.1 (Score: 0.13971135)
Implementation of the Python language for microcontrollers
Micro Python is a lean and fast implementation of the Python 3 programming language that is optimised to run on a microcontroller.
lang/nickle-2.77 (Score: 0.13971135)
Numeric-oriented programming language
Nickle is a programming language based prototyping environment with powerful programming and scripting capabilities. Nickle supports a variety of datatypes, especially arbitrary precision numbers. The programming language vaguely resembles C. Some things in C which do not translate easily are different, some design choices have been made differently, and a very few features are simply missing. Nickle provides the functionality of Unix bc, dc, and expr in much-improved form. It is also an ideal environment for prototyping complex algorithms. Nickle's scripting capabilities make it a nice replacement for spreadsheets in some applications, and its numeric features nicely complement the limited numeric functionality of text-oriented languages such as AWK and Perl.
lang/tcl-8.5.3 (Score: 0.13971135)
Tool Command Language (Linux Fedora 10)
lang/mit-scheme-9.2 (Score: 0.13971135)
MIT Scheme: includes runtime, compiler, and edwin binaries
MIT Scheme is a complete programming environment that runs on many Unix platforms, as well as Microsoft Windows and IBM OS/2. It features a rich runtime library, a powerful source-level debugger, a native-code compiler, and an integrated Emacs-like editor.
lang/mixal-1.11 (Score: 0.13971135)
Assembler and interpreter for Donald Knuth's mythical MIX computer
Mixal is a version the assembler and interpreter for Donald Knuth's mythical MIX computer, defined in: Donald E. Knuth, _The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1: Fundamental Algorithms_. Addison-Wesley, 1973 (2nd ed.) This preliminary release doesn't do floating point and has little documentation as yet, but it works well enough to be used in conjunction with the book.
lang/mlton-20100608 (Score: 0.13971135)
Optimizing Standard ML compiler
This is a port of MLton, the whole-program optimizing Standard ML Compiler. MLton runs on a variety of platforms, generates excellent code, has a fast C FFI, profiling, and many useful libraries, including an interface to the GNU multiprecision library. For more information, go to the MLton home page.
lang/autoconf-1.1 (Score: 0.13971135)
Autoconf module for ocaml
This port contains standard, useful autoconf macros for detecting OCaml, findlib, OCaml packages, etc.
lang/mono-basic-4.0.1 (Score: 0.13971135)
VisualBasic.NET support for Mono
Mono Basic: Visual Basic Compiler and Runtime.