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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第17,16117,170项(搜索用时0.011秒)
databases/POE-Component-LaDBI-1.2.1 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Perl extension for asynchronous non-blocking DBI calls in POE
POE Component that spawns a perl subprocess to handle non-blocking access to the DBI API.
databases/POE-Component-RRDTool-0.18 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
POE interface to Round Robin Database Tools
RRDtool refers to round robin database tool. Round robin databases have a fixed number of data points in them and contain a pointer to the current element. Since the databases have a fixed number of data points the database size doesn't change after creation. RRDtool allows you to define a set of archives which consolidate the primary data points in higher granularity. RRDtool is specialized for time series data and can be used to create RRD files, update RRDs, retreive data from RRDs, and generate graphs from the databases. This module provides a POE wrapper around the rrdtool command line interface.
Simple interface for calling SQL functions from PostgreSQL PL/Perl
PostgreSQL::PLPerl::Call is a simple interface for calling SQL functions from PostgreSQL PL/Perl.
Simple way to trace execution of Perl statements in PL/Perl
PostgreSQL::PLPerl::Trace is a simple way to trace execution of Perl statements in PL/Perl.
ResourcePool::Resource::DBI - A ResourcePool wrapper for DBI
This class is used by the ResourcePool internally to create DBI connections. Its called by the corresponding ResourcePool::Factory::DBI object which passes the parameters needed to establish the DBI connection.
databases/Rose-DB-Object-0.8140 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Extensible, high performance RDBMS-OO mapper
Rose::DB::Object is a base class for objects that encapsulate a single row in a database table.
Perl 5 module to deploy a DBIx::Class schema
In the tradition of Rose::DB::Object::Helpers, more importable methods. This class inherits from Rose::Object::MixIn. See the Rose::Object::MixIn documentation for a full explanation of how to import methods from this class. The helper methods themselves are described below.
Web UI Rendering for Rose::DB::Object
Rose::DBx::Object::Renderer generates web UIs for Rose::DB::Object. It encapsulates many web conventions in the generated UIs as default behaviours. For example, email addresses are by default rendered as mailto links in tables and appropiate validation is enforced automatically in forms. These behaviours are highly extensible. Renderer uses CGI::FormBuilder to generate forms and the Google Chart API to render charts. Template::Toolkit is used for template processing, however, Renderer can dynamically generate a full set of UIs without any templates.
databases/SQL-Abstract-Limit-0.141 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
SQL Portability layer for LIMIT emulation
SQL portability layer for LIMIT emulation.
databases/SQL-Abstract-More-1.15 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Extension of SQL::Abstract with more constructs and more flexible API
Generates SQL from Perl datastructures. This is a subclass of SQL::Abstract, fully compatible with the parent class, but it handles a few additional SQL constructs, and provides a different API with named parameters instead of positional parameters, so that various SQL fragments are more easily identified. This module was designed for the specific needs of DBIx::DataModel, but is published as a standalone distribution, because it may possibly be useful for other needs.