Ports 搜索

graphics/shiva-collections-1.4 (Score: 2.3535737E-4)
Collection of kernels for OpenGTL
The Graphics Transformation Languages is a set of libraries for using and integrating transformation algorithms (such as filter or color conversion) in graphics applications. The goal is to provide the tools, languages and libraries to create generic transformation for graphics. Those transformations could then be used by different programs (Krita, The Gimp, CinePaint, gegl...). Currently the focus is on developing two languages, designed for two different implementations. - OpenCTL which is a GPL compatible of the Color Transformation Language, this language is dedicated at transforming the value of a single pixel (for instance brightness adjustement or desaturate). CTL is designed to be part of the Color Management process. - OpenShiva is inspired by Adobe's Hydra language from the AIF Toolkit, Shiva is a language that apply a kernel-like transformations on an image, that means it works using more than one pixel.
math/gmp-5.1.3 (Score: 2.3535737E-4)
Free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. There is no limit to the precision except the ones implied by the available memory in the machine GMP runs on. GMP has a rich set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface. GMP is designed to be as fast as possible, both for small operands and for huge operands. The speed is achieved by using fullwords as the basic arithmetic type, by using fast algorithms, with carefully optimized assembly code for the most common inner loops for a lot of CPUs, and by a general emphasis on speed (instead of simplicity or elegance). GMP is believed to be faster than any other similar library. The advantage for GMP increases with the operand sizes for certain operations, since GMP in many cases has asymptotically faster algorithms.
science/cdf3-3.3.0 (Score: 2.3535737E-4)
Device independent view of the CDF data model
Common Data Format (CDF) is a conceptual data abstraction for storing multi-dimensional data sets. The basic component of CDF is a software programming interface that is a device independent view of the CDF data model. The application developer is insulated from the actual physical file format for reasons of conceptual simplicity, device independence, and future expandability. CDF files created on any given platform can be transported to any other platform on to which CDF is ported and used with any CDF tools or layered applications. A more detailed introduction to CDF can be found in the CDF User's Guide. A comparison between CDF, netCDF, HDF and HDF5 is available at <http://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/FAQ.html>.
security/fpm2-0.79 (Score: 2.3535737E-4)
Program that allows you to securely store the passwords
Figaro's Password Manager 2 is a program that allows you to securely store the passwords using GTK2 interface. Features include: - Passwords are encrypted with the AES-256 algorithm. - Copy passwords or usernames to the clipboard/primary selection. - If the password is for a web site, FPM2 can keep track of the URLs of your login screens and can automatically launch your browser. In this capacity, FPM2 acts as a kind of bookmark manager. - You can teach FPM2 to launch other applications, and optionally pass hostnames, usernames or passwords to the command line. - FPM2 also has a password generator that can choose passwords for you. It allows you to determine how long the password should be, and what types of characters (lower case, upper case, numbers and symbols) should be used. You can even have it avoid ambiguous characters such as a capital O or the number zero. - Auto-minimise and/or auto-locking passwords database after configurable time to the tray icon.
sysutils/disktool-2.0 (Score: 2.3535737E-4)
XView sysadmin tool for monitoring diskfull situations
`disktool' is an XView program to monitor up to 64 filesystems simultaneously and alert you when a particular filesystem is low on space. disktool is set-up to "un-iconify" when a filesystem it is monitoring has reached its' user-definable "critical threshold". A Unix command can also be initiated when this threshold is reached. The command and un-iconifying can be repeated every so many polls, configurable from the cmdline or from the Properties pop-up. The properties pop-up is obtained by selecting any gauge with the right mouse button. The middle mouse button has also been mapped to force a filesystem poll to update the displayed data. `disktool' is a good sysadmin tool for monitoring diskfull situations to avoid datafile corruption.
www/HTML-Clean-0.8 (Score: 2.3535737E-4)
Cleans up HTML code for web browsers, not humans
The majority of the web pages of the internet today are much larger than they need to be. The reason for this is that HTML tends to be stored in a human readable format, with indenting, newlines and comments. However, all of these comments, whitespace etc. are ignored by the browser, and needlessly lengthen download times. Second, many people are using WYSIWYG HTML editors these days. This makes creating content easy. However these editors can cause a number of compatibility problems by tying themselves to a particular browser or operating system. The HTML::Clean module encapsulates a number of HTML optimizations and cleanups. The end result is HTML that loads faster, displays properly in more browsers. Think of it as a compiler that translates HTML input into optimized machine readable code.
x11/keyboardcast-0.1.1 (Score: 2.3535737E-4)
Broadcast keystrokes to multiple X windows for Gnome2
The purpose of keyboardcast is to allow you to send keystrokes to multiple X windows at once. This allows you, for example, to control a number of terminals connected to different but similar hosts for purposes of mass- administration. You can also select non-terminals. If you come up with a reasonable use for this ability I'd be interested in hearing about it. The program can select windows to send to either by matching their titles (using a substring) or by clicking on them (in a method similar to GIMP's screenshot feature). The program also features the ability to spawn off multiple instances of gnome-terminal executing a single command on multiple arguments (for example executing 'ssh' on several hosts). The gnome-terminals are invoked with the profile 'keyboardcast' if it exists (so, for example, your font size can be smaller).
benchmarks/iperf-3.1.3 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Improved tool to measure TCP and UDP bandwidth
iperf is a tool for measuring the maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth along a path between two hosts. It allows the tuning of various parameters and UDP characteristics, and reports bandwidth, delay jitter, datagram loss. iperf was originally developed by NLANR/DAST. iperf3 is a new implementation from scratch, with the goal of a smaller, simpler code base, and a library version of the functionality that can be used in other programs. iperf3 also a number of features found in other tools such as nuttcp and netperf, but were missing from iperf 2.x. iperf3 is not backwards compatible with iperf 2.x.
comms/sms_client-3.0.2 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
Simple UNIX SMS client to send messages to phones or pagers
A simple UNIX client allowing you to send SMS messages to mobile phones and pagers. The software currently supports a number of providers and protocols from various countries. Using an unlisted provider that allows TAP access should be pretty straight forward. There are a large number of services that do not appear to use TAP, but instead, simple user interfaces for interactive use by a user dialing up with a modem. For several UK based services such as these drivers have been written, note that providers often offer more that one service and as such you may require a different driver for each one.
converters/Boulder-1.30 (Score: 2.3422862E-4)
API for hierarchical tag/value structures
Boulder IO is a simple TAG=VALUE data format designed for sharing data between programs connected via a pipe. It is also simple enough to use as a common data exchange format between databases, Web pages, and other data representations. The basic data format is very simple. It consists of a series of TAG=VALUE pairs separated by newlines. It is record-oriented. The end of a record is indicated by an empty delimiter alone on a line. The delimiter is "=" by default, but can be adjusted by the user.