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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第3,3013,310项(搜索用时0.007秒)
databases/ldb-1.1.26 (Score: 0.0012383816)
LDAP-like embedded database
ldb is a LDAP-like embedded database. ldb provides a fast database with an LDAP-like API designed to be used within an application. In some ways it can be seen as a intermediate solution between key-value pair databases and a real LDAP database.
databases/freetds-1.00.38 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
This is TDS protocol library (CTlib/DBlib) that is used to connect to Microsoft and Sybase SQL servers. This can be used instead of native libraries, that are shipped with commercial products.
databases/freetds-1.00.1 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
This is TDS protocol library (CTlib/DBlib) that is used to connect to Microsoft and Sybase SQL servers. This can be used instead of native libraries, that are shipped with commercial products.
databases/galera-25.3.5 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Synchronous multi-master replication engine
Galera wsrep provider to Galera Cluster for MySQL, an easy-to-use high-availability solution with high system up-time, no data loss, and scalability for future growth.
databases/gqlplus-1.16 (Score: 0.0012383816)
SQL*PLUS with commandline editing, history, and name completion
gqlplus is a drop-in replacement for sqlplus, an Oracle SQL client, for UNIX platforms. The difference between gqlplus and sqlplus is command-line editing and history, plus tablename completion. As you know if you have used sqlplus, it is notoriously difficult to correct typing errors and other mistakes in your SQL statements. sqlplus does give you ability to use external editor to edit a statement, but only the last statement you typed. gqlplus solves this problem by providing the familiar command-line editing and history as in tcsh or bash shells, and tablename completion, while otherwise retaining compatibility with sqlplus. Thus, no user training is needed - simply use gqlplus instead of sqlplus. In addition, configuration/installation is trivial: gqlplus is a single binary compiled executable (written in C), so all you need is download it and put it anywhere in your PATH. After that, you'll be ready to use it.
databases/grass-6.4.6 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Open source Geographical Information System (GIS)
Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS GIS) An open source Geographical Information System (GIS) with raster, topological vector, image processing, and graphics production functionality that operates on various platforms through a graphical user interface and shell in X-Windows. It is released under GNU General Public License (GPL).
databases/hamsterdb-2.1.11 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Lightweight Embedded Database Engine
hamsterdb is a lightweight embedded database engine. It is in development for more than three years and concentrates on ease of use, high performance, stability and portability. The hamsterdb API is simple and self-documenting. The interface is similar to other widely-used database engines. Fast algorithms and data structures guarantee high performance for all scenarios. Hamsterdb has hundreds of unittests with a test coverage of over 90%. Each release is tested with thousands of acceptance tests in many different configurations, tested on up to six different hardware architectures and operating systems. Written in plain ANSI-C, hamsterdb runs on many architectures: Intel-compatible (x86, x64), PowerPC, SPARC, ARM, RISC and others. Tested operating systems include Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows CE, Linux, SunOS and other Unices.
databases/isql-viewer-2.1.8 (Score: 0.0012383816)
JDBC 2.x compliant database front end
iSQL-Viewer is an open-source JDBC 2.x compliant database front end written in Java. It implements across multiple platforms features of the JDBC API. It does everything through a single interface. iSQL-Viewer works with most database platforms, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and Informix. iSQL-Viewer provides a variety of tools and features to carry out common database tasks. It includes: * Scripting support using JPython and the IBM BSF framework * A guided query builder for creating simple and complex SQL queries * Enhanced object viewing for images, HTML, and other binary format files * A friendly SQL console for executing SQL statements * Batch processing of SQL files * Database introspection * "Bookmarks" to store SQL commands you commonly use * Import and export to popular file formats such as Microsoft Excel, XML, HTML and ASCII delimited. * Enhanced interface support across platforms iSQL-Viewer is designed to meet the needs of JDBC Driver developers and database developers who work in single or multi-platform environments.
databases/frontbase-2.5.6 (Score: 0.0012383816)
The Java JDBC implementation for FrontBase
This is the official implementation of JDBC, the Java Database Connectivity API, for accessing FrontBase databases from Java.
databases/kyotocabinet-1.2.76 (Score: 0.0012383816)
Straightforward implementation of DBM
Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. Kyoto Cabinet runs very fast. For example, elapsed time to store one million records is 0.9 seconds for hash database, and 1.1 seconds for B+ tree database. Moreover, the size of database of Kyoto Cabinet is very small. For example, overhead for a record is 16 bytes for hash database, and 4 bytes for B+ tree database. Furthermore, scalability of Kyoto Cabinet is great. The database size can be up to 8EB (9.22e18 bytes). Kyoto Cabinet is written in the C++ language, and provided as API of C++, C, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, and Lua. Kyoto Cabinet is available on platforms which have API conforming to C++03 with the TR1 library extensions. Kyoto Cabinet is a free software licensed under the GNU General Public License.