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dns/libasyncns-0.7 (Score: 0.006973904)
C library for executing DNS queries asynchronously (Linux Fedora 10)
libasyncns is a C library for Linux/Unix for executing name service queries asynchronously. It is an asynchronous wrapper around getaddrinfo(3), getnameinfo(3), res_query(3) and res_search(3) from libc and libresolv. In contrast to GNU's asynchronous name resolving API getaddrinfo_a(), libasyncns does not make use of UNIX signals for reporting completion of name queries. Instead, the API exports a standard UNIX file descriptor which may be integerated cleanly into custom main loops. In contrast to asynchronous DNS resolving libraries like libdenise, skadns, adns, libasyncns is just an asynchronous wrapper around the libc's synchronous getaddrinfo() API, which has the advantage of allowing name resolution using techniques like Multicast DNS, LDAP or NIS using standard libc NSS (Name Service Switch) modules. libasyncns is compatible with IPv6 if the underlying libc is. libasyncns is very tiny, consisting of just one header and one source file. It has no dependencies besides libc.
sysutils/danzfs-0.2.0 (Score: 0.006973904)
Provides a Python API for interacting with ZFS without using libzfs
DanZFS provides a Python API for checking the status of ZFS without the use of libzfs by calling the system binaries and parsing the output. Currently you can: - 1. List the ZFS properties (name, property, value, source) 2. List filesystems, snapshots, and volumes (name, used, available, refer, and mountpoint) 3. Query the pool IO statistics (name, capacity, operations, and bandwidth) 4. List the pools (name, size, allocated, free, capacity, deduplication, health, and alternativeroot) 5. Query the pool status (name, state, status, action, scan, config-type, config-disks, and errors) 6. Replication "daemon" allowing near realtime local and remote replication using snapshots. The data from the API calls will be returned as a Python dictionary. Example code is provided and will be installed into the ${PREFIX}/share/examples/danzfs directory.
devel/Devel-LexAlias-0.05 (Score: 0.0064823553)
Perl module which does alias lexical variables
Description from the home page: Devel::LexAlias provides the ability to alias a lexical variable in a subroutines scope to one of your choosing. If you don't know why you'd want to do this, I'd suggest that you skip this module. If you think you have a use for it, I'd insist on it. Still here? lexalias( $where, $name, $variable ) $where refers to the subroutine in which to alias the lexical, it can be a coderef or a call level such that you'd give to caller $name is the name of the lexical within that subroutine $variable is a reference to the variable to install at that location
devel/rlog-1.4 (Score: 0.0064823553)
Flexible message logging facility for C++
RLog provides a flexible message logging facility for C++ programs and libraries. It is subscription based, meaning you can subscribe to messages of your choice in an number of ways: by hierarchical channel name (e.g. "debug", "debug/ special", "error", etc.), or file name, component name, etc. Log messages are individually enabled. It is meant to be fast enough to leave in production code - even where it may be called many times, as both the GCC and Intel compilers reduce the logging overhead a few clock cycles if they are dormant (with no subscribers). Other add-on components can extend subscriptions to external programs, allowing you to enable and collect debugging messages remotely.
devel/poslib-1.0.6 (Score: 0.0064823553)
Posadis C++ DNS library
Poslib is a portable C++ DNS library, a part of Posadis project. It consists of two parts: a client library and a server library. Using the client library, you can simply develop applications that use the Domain Name System (DNS). It includes many functions for resolving, domain-name manipulation and Resource Record (RR) creation. The server library, based on the client core, can be used to develop DNS servers. By implementing a query entry-point function using the Poslib library of functions, you can easily create DNS servers, without worrying about low-level details such as DNS message compilation, domain-name compression and UDP/TCP transmission.
print/pic2fig-1.4 (Score: 0.0064823553)
Pic format to fig format converter
Pic2fig is a pic(l) preprocessor for drawing simple figures in Fig code. The basic objects are box, line, arrow, circle, ellipse, arc and text. When pic2fig is executed, it produces an output file in the current directory. The name is constructed from the input file's name. If the input filename ends with .pic, then that extension will be replaced by .fig. Otherwise, .fig is appended to the input filename. If file does not exist, then pic2fig tries appending .pic to the name. Updated to produce FIG 3.2 format by Patrick Powell Note: this version does not support the groff/pic 'thickness' attribute.
security/Tree-Authz-0.03 (Score: 0.0064823553)
Role-Based Access Control authorization scheme
Class for inheritable, role-based permissions system (Role Based Access Control - RBAC). Custom methods can be placed on role objects. Authorization can be performed either by checking whether the role name matches the required name, or by testing (via can) whether the role can perform the method required. Two role are specified by default. At the top, superusers can do anything ($superuser->can( $action ) always returns a coderef). At the bottom, the base role can do nothing ($base->can( $action ) always returns undef). All roles are automatically capable of authorizing actions named for the singular and plural of the role name.
astro/Astro-SIMBAD-Client-0.035 (Score: 0.0062376494)
OO interface to SIMBAD4
p5-Astro-SIMBAD-Client provides an object-oriented interface to SIMBAD4. The new SOAP queries are supported, with the object carrying default output type and output format, as well as server name on the assumption that mirrors will be forthcoming.
audio/gmpc-albumview-11.8.16 (Score: 0.0062376494)
Draws all album covers
This plugin shows your music collection in albums, it's showing album covers with the artist and album name under it. You can also filter out specific artists or albums and set the amount of albums per row.
audio/goobox-3.4.1 (Score: 0.0062376494)
CD player and ripper for GNOME Desktop environment
Goobox is a CD player and ripper for the GNOME Desktop environment, it uses gstreamer to play and rip CDs and cddb-slave2 (distributed with gnome-media) to get and edit CD metadata such as track titles and album name.