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Results 14,68114,690 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.01 seconds)
www/CGI-Session-4.48 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Perl extension for persistent session management
"CGI::Session" is Perl5 library that provides an easy persistent session management system across HTTP requests. Session persistence is a very important issue in web applications. Shopping carts, user-recognition features, login and authentication methods and etc. all require persistent session management mechanism, which is both secure and reliable. "CGI::Session" provides with just that. You can read the whole documentation as a tutorial on session management. But if you are already familiar with "CGI::Session" go to the methods section for the list of all the methods available.
www/sws-1.0 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Simple, safe, secure, web server written in /bin/sh
[simple | small | shell] web server sws was born out of a project requirement for a small universal Web server that could run on any POSIX platform to serve static content. Since it is written in /bin/sh it should run on any BSD/GNU-Linux/Unix system. It has been tested on FreeBSD, Solaris, and Debian GNU/Linux. Installation consists of putting the program somewhere, making it executable, creating the document directory, and creating an entry in inetd.conf. sws requires /bin/sh, dirname, cat, and date to function. These should be found on any modern POSIX system.
www/Catalyst-Plugin-Session-0.40 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Generic Catalyst Session plugin
The Session plugin is the base of two related parts of functionality required for session management in web applications. The first part, the State, is getting the browser to repeat back a session key, so that the web application can identify the client and logically string several requests together into a session. The second part, the Store, deals with the actual storage of information about the client. This data is stored so that the it may be revived for every request made by the same client. This plugin links the two pieces together.
www/HTML-FormFu-2.03 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
HTML Form Creation, Rendering and Validation Framework
HTML::FormFu is a HTML form framework which aims to be as easy as possible to use for basic web forms, but with the power and flexibility to do anything else you might want to do (as long as it involves forms). You can configure almost any part of formfu's behaviour and output. By default formfu renders "XHTML 1.0 Strict" compliant markup, with as little extra markup as possible, but with sufficient CSS class names to allow for a wide-range of output styles to be generated by changing only the CSS.
www/HTML-Summary-0.020 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Produces summaries from the textual content of web pages
The HTML::Summary module produces summaries from the textual content of web pages. It does so using the location heuristic, which determines the value of a given sentence based on its position and status within the document; for example, headings, section titles and opening paragraph sentences may be favoured over other textual content. A LENGTH option can be used to restrict the length of the summary produced. This distribution contains the HTML::Summary module, and some supporting modules. The full list of modules is: HTML::Summary Text::Sentence Lingua::JA::Jcode Lingua::JA::Jtruncate
www/HTML-TagParser-0.20 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Yet another HTML tag parser by pure Perl implementation
HTML::TagParser is a pure Perl implementaion for parsing HTML files. This module provides some methods like DOM. This module is not strict about XHTML format because many of HTML pages are not strict. You know, many pages use <br> elemtents instead of <br/> and have <p> elements which are not closed. This module natively understands a character set of document by reading its meta element. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS"> The parsed document's encoding is converted as this class's fixed internal encoding "UTF-8".
www/HTTP-MHTTP-0.15 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Low level access to the HTTP protocol
HTTP::MHTTP - this library provides reasonably low level access to the HTTP protocol, for perl. This does not replace LWP (what possibly could :-) but is a cut for speed. It also supports all of HTTP 1.0, so you have GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, and DELETE. Some support of HTTP 1.1 is available - specifically Transfer-Encoding = chunked and the Keep-Alive extensions. Additionally - rudimentary SSL support compiled in. This effectively enables negotiation of TLS, but does not validate the certificates. A way faster http access library that uses C extension based on mhttp to do the calls.
www/HTTPD-User-Manage-1.66 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Perl modules for managing access control with the web server
HTTPD-User-Manage is set of Perl modules for managing access control with the Apache, NCSA httpd, CERN and Netscape servers (and maybe some others). You can install this program as a CGI script to allow remote users to change their Web access passwords. Web administrators can use it to remotely add, edit and delete users and their groups. You can also use it from the command line as a nice all-in-one interface to access control databases based on text files, DBM files, and SQL databases.
www/RTx-Calendar-1.01 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Calendar extension module for the RT ticketing system
This RT extension provides a calendar view for your tickets and your reminders so you see when is your next due ticket. You can find it in the menu Search->Calendar. There's a portlet to put on your home page (see Prefs/MyRT.html) You can also enable ics (ICal) feeds for your default calendar and all your private searches in Prefs/Calendar.html. Authentication is magic number based so that you can give those feeds to other people. You can find screenshots on http://gaspard.mine.nu/dotclear/index.php?tag/rtx-calendar
www/STF-Dispatcher-PSGI-1.12 (Score: 5.4946377E-5)
Perl extension for pluggable STF dispatcher interface
STF::Dispatcher::PSGI implements the basic STF Protocol (http://stf-storage.github.com) dispatcher component. It does not know how to actually store or retrieve data, so you must implement that portion yourself. The reason this exists is mainly to allow you to testing systems that interact with STF servers. For example, setting up the main STF implementation is quite a pain if all you want to do is to test your application, but with this module, you can easily create a dummy STF dispatcher.