Preference Manager is a class to handle user preferences in a web application,
looking them up in a table using a combination of their userid, and the
preference name to get a value, and (optionally) returning a default value for
the preference if no value could be found for that user.
It is designed to be used alongside the PEAR Auth class, but can be used with
anything that allows you to obtain the user's id - including your own code.
Provides PHP code to generate responses to common SASL mechanisms, including:
- Digest-MD5
- CramMD5
- Plain
- Anonymous
- Login (Pseudo mechanism).
PEAR::Crypt_Blowfish allows you to perform two-way blowfish encryption on
the fly using only PHP. This package does not require the MCrypt
PHP extension to work, although it can make use of it if available.
PEAR::Crypt_CHAP provides Classes for generating CHAP packets.
Currently these types of CHAP are supported:
For MS-CHAP the mhash and mcrypt extensions must be loaded.
Implementation of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange cryptographic protocol
in PHP5. Enables two parties without any prior knowledge of each other
establish a secure shared secret key across an insecure channel
of communication.
pear-Crypt_HMAC2 is a implementation of Hashed Message Authentication
Code for PHP5.It use the hash or mhash extensions when enabled to
extend the range of cryptographic hash functions beyond the natively
implemented MD5 and SHA1.
Provides methods needed to generate and verify MicroIDs.
PEAR RC4 encryption class.
PEAR::Crypt_RSA allows you to use two-key strong cryptography like RSA with
arbitrary key length.
It uses one of the following extensions for math calculations:
- PECL big_int extension version greater than or equal to 1.0.3
- PHP GMP extension
- PHP BCMath extension for both PHP4 and PHP5
This package allows you to encrypt and decrypt strings or long integer arrays
with the XXTEA encryption algorithm, which is secure, fast and suitable for web