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devel/Getopt-Declare-1.14 (Score: 0.032514982)
Declaratively Expressed Command-Line Arguments via Regular Expressions
Getopt::Declare is yet another command-line argument parser, one which is specifically designed to be powerful but exceptionally easy to use. To parse the command-line in @ARGV, one simply creates a Getopt::Declare object, by passing Getopt::Declare::new() a specification of the various parameters that may be encountered. The specification is a single string, in which the syntax of each parameter is declared, along with a description and (optionally) one or more actions to be performed when the parameter is encountered. The specification string may also include other usage formatting information (such as group headings or separators) as well as standard Perl comments (which are ignored).
devel/Getopt-Euclid-0.4.5 (Score: 0.032514982)
Executable Uniform Command-Line Interface Descriptions
Getopt::Euclid uses your program's own documentation to create a command-line argument parser. This ensures that your program's documented interface and its actual interface always agree.
devel/Getopt-GUI-Long-0.93 (Score: 0.032514982)
Wrapper around Getopt::Long
This module is a wrapper around Getopt::Long that extends the value of the original Getopt::Long module to: 1) add a simple graphical user interface option screen if no arguments are passed to the program. 2) provide an auto-help mechanism such that -h and --help are handled automatically. It's designed to make the creation of graphical shells trivial without the programmer having to think about it much as well as providing automatic good-looking usage output without the programmer needing to write usage() functions. This also can turn normal command line programs into web CGI scripts as well (automatically). If the Getopt::GUI::Long program is installed as a CGI script then it will automatically prompt the user for the same variables.
devel/File-ShareDir-PAR-0.06 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl5 File::ShareDir module with PAR support
File::ShareDir::PAR provides the same functionality as File::ShareDir but tries hard to be compatible with PAR packaged applications. The problem is, that the concept of having a distribution or module specific share directory becomes a little hazy when you're loading everything from a single file. PAR uses an @INC hook to intercept any attempt to load a module. File::ShareDir uses the directory structure that is typically found in the directories that are listed in @INC for storing the shared data. In a PAR enviroment, this is not necessarily possible. WARNING: This module contains highly experimental code. If you want to load modules from .par files using PAR and then access their shared directory using File::ShareDir, you probably have no choice but to use it.
devel/Getopt-Long-2.46 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl module for extended processing of command line options
Module Getopt::Long implements an extended getopt function called GetOptions(). This function implements the POSIX standard for command line options, with GNU extensions, while still capable of handling the traditional one-letter options. In general, this means that command line options can have long names instead of single letters, and are introduced with a double dash `--'. Optionally, Getopt::Long can support the traditional bundling of single-letter command line options.
File::ShareDir returning Path::Class objects
File::ShareDir::PathClass is just a wrapper around File::ShareDir functions, transforming their return value to Path::Class objects. This allows for easier usage of the value.
Perl extension for set-and-forget using a directory in projects root
Simple set-and-forget using of a '/share' directory in your projects root.
devel/File-ShareDir-1.102 (Score: 0.032514982)
Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
The intent of File::ShareDir is to provide a companion to Class::Inspector and File::HomeDir, modules that take a process that is well-known by advanced Perl developers but gets a little tricky, and make it more available to the larger Perl community. Quite often you want or need your Perl module (CPAN or otherwise) to have access to a large amount of read-only data that is stored on the file-system at run-time. On a Linux-like system, this would be in a place such as /usr/share, however Perl runs on a wide variety of different systems, and so the use of any one location is unreliable. Perl provides a little-known method for doing this, but almost nobody is aware that it exists. As a result, module authors often go through some very strange ways to make the data available to their code.
devel/File-Slurp-Tree-1.24 (Score: 0.032514982)
Slurp and emit file trees as nested hashes
File::Slurp::Tree provides functions for slurping and emitting trees of files and directories. # an example of use in a test suite use Test::More tests => 1; use File::Slurp::Tree; is_deeply( slurp_tree( "t/some_path" ), { foo => {}, bar => "sample\n" }, "some_path contains a directory called foo, and a file bar" ); The tree data structure is a hash of hashes. The keys of each hash are names of directories or files. Directories have hash references as their value, files have a scalar which holds the contents of the file.
devel/File-Stream-2.30 (Score: 0.032514982)
Regular expression delimited records from streams
Perl filehandles are streams, but sometimes they just aren't powerful enough. This module offers to have streams from filehandles searched with regexes and allows the global input record separator variable to contain regexes. Thus, readline() and the <> operator can now return records delimited by regular expression matches.