Ports 搜索

www/mod_proctitle-0.4.1 (Score: 1.3684924E-4)
Set httpd process titles to reflect currently processed request
This module sets httpd process titles to reflect the request currently processed, so they will be visible in top(1) or ps(1). Useful for debugging purposes.
www/HTML-TagCloud-Extended-0.10 (Score: 1.3684924E-4)
HTML::TagCloud extension for time-stamp based coloring of tags
This is extension of HTML::TagCloud. This module allows you to register timestamp with tags. And color of tags will be changed according to it's timestamp.
Automatically remove multiple slashes in your paths
Plack Middleware. By enabling this middleware, all multiple slashes in your requests will automatically be cut. //hello///world becomes /hello/world. Simple as that.
www/Flask-Cache-0.13.1 (Score: 1.3684924E-4)
Cache support for your Flask application
Flask-Cache adds cache support to your Flask application. The cache backend can Be chosen from simple, memcached, and filesystem. Install databases/memcached from ports if needed.
www/plone.resource-1.0.5 (Score: 1.3684924E-4)
Publishes directories of static files via the ZPublisher
plone.resource publishes directories of static files via the ZPublisher. These directories may be located either in the ZODB (as OFS folders and files), or on the filesystem.
www/imagezoom-0.3.1 (Score: 1.3684924E-4)
Zoom images
Image zoom gives you complete control of the size of most images displayed in mozilla based software. Both individual images or whole pages of images can be zoomed.
devel/Config-Fast-1.07 (Score: 1.3663336E-4)
Extremely fast configuration file parser
This module is designed to provide an extremely lightweight way to parse moderately complex configuration files. As such, it exports a single function - fastconfig() - and does not provide any OO access methods. Still, it is fairly full-featured. Here's how it works: %cf = fastconfig($file, $delim); Basically, the fastconfig() function returns a hash of keys and values based on the directives in your configuration file. By default, directives and values are separated by whitespace in the config file, but this can be easily changed with the delimiter argument (see below). When the configuration file is read, its modification time is first checked and the results cached. On each call to fastconfig(), if the config file has been changed, then the file is reread. Otherwise, the cached results are returned automatically. This makes this module great for mod_perl modules and scripts, one of the primary reasons I wrote it. Simply include this at the top of your script or inside of your constructor function: my %cf = fastconfig('/path/to/config/file.conf'); If the file argument is omitted, then fastconfig() looks for a file named $0.conf in the ../etc directory relative to the executable. For example, if you ran: /usr/local/bin/myapp Then fastconfig() will automatically look for: /usr/local/etc/myapp.conf This is great if you're really lazy and always in a hurry, like I am. If this doesn't work for you, simply supply a filename manually. Note that filename generation does not work in mod_perl, so you'll need to supply a filename manually.
net/freebsd-tftp-1.0 (Score: 1.36522E-4)
Upcoming replacement for tftp(1) and tftpd(8)
It all started when we got some new routers, which told me the following when trying to upload configuration or download images from it: The TFTP server doesn't support the blocksize option. My curiousity was triggered, it took me some reading of RFCs and other documentation to find out what was possible and what could be done. Was plain TFTP very simple in its handshake, TFTP with options was kind of messy because of its backwards capability: The first packet returned could either be an acknowledgement of options, or the first data packet. Going through the source code of src/libexec/tftpd and going through the code of src/usr.bin/tftp showed that there was a lot of duplicate code, and the addition of options would only increase the amount of duplicate code. After all, both the client and the server can act as a sender and receiver. At the end, it ended up with a nearly complete rewrite of the tftp client and server. It has been tested against the following TFTP clients and servers: - Itself (yay!) - The standard FreeBSD tftp client and server - The Fedora Core 6 tftp client and server - Cisco router tftp client - Extreme Networks tftp client It supports the following RFCs: RFC1350 - THE TFTP PROTOCOL (REVISION 2) RFC2347 - TFTP Option Extension RFC2348 - TFTP Blocksize Option RFC2349 - TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options RFC3617 - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Scheme and Applicability Statement for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) It supports the following unofficial TFTP Options as described at http://www.compuphase.com/tftp.htm: blksize2 - Block size restricted to powers of 2, excluding protocol headers rollover - Block counter roll-over (roll back to zero or to one) From the tftp program point of view the following things are changed: - New commands: "blocksize", "blocksize2", "rollover" and "options" - Development features: "debug" and "packetdrop" If you try this tftp/tftpd implementation, please let me know if it works (or doesn't work) and against which implementaion so I can get a list of confirmed working systems.
audio/etktab-3.2 (Score: 1.2902271E-4)
Guitar tablature editor
Etktab let's you edit tablatures for guitar and other stringed instruments. Notations for various playing techniques like muting and vibrato are supported. It also has configurable keybindings, and lyrics can be embedded into scores. Tablatures can be exported in plain ascii format.
databases/dbf-0.9.0 (Score: 1.2902271E-4)
Show and convert the content of dBASE III, IV, and 5.0 files
dbf is an easy-to-use command line tool to show and convert the content of dBASE III, IV, and 5.0 files. It reads dBASE databases and prints the content to the screen or converts it to comma-separated (*.csv) files which can be opened in Excel, StarOffice, and most other spread sheets. It can also be used to show some statistics about the content.